Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Australian Cities Extreme Heat - Not a lot of evidence to back up Climategedden (apart from Perth)

With all the talk of impending Climate doom in Australia, you would expect to see major increases in heat extremes over the various years hitting all Australia cities

But while the average temperatures are increasing over the years, you don't see a lot of heat waves.

To confirm, I downloaded some data from the ACORN network from  the BOM, for max temps since 1910 or so. In most of the cities, there isn't a lot of movement in the number of > 35 degrees Celsius days

For example in Melbourne, the 30 year average (1981-2010) of days of the year over 35 degrees is actually around 9. And its only growing at 0.005 days a year on the trend. Based on that, it will be another 200 years before the average rises to 10 days.

In Sydney, the 30 year average of days over 35 is 4.5. And only growing at 0.002 days a year, over the trend). Again, it will be 500 years before average goes 5.5.

Brisbane, for all the talk of extreme heat is pretty benign in general. Less than 1 day a year over 35 degrees! (though my records only go back to 1949). And not accelerating

Its really only Adelaide and Perth that might burn, both in the 20+ days for the 39 year average, and both accelerating. Perth is the real worry, basically an extra day of 35+ temperature every 7.5 years

So if you have a chance to buy Real Estate in WA, I suggest you pass. Buy in Brisbane!

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