Tuesday, November 13, 2012

We all live in a (nuclear) submarine

I read with amazement that the American Virginia-class nuclear submarine is being considered as an option for Australia's submarine force. We have such delusions of grandeur don't we?

While there is no doubt the Virginia class sub is a quality piece of kit (and cheap for a sub), for Australia, it's not just about range and refuelling options. It's also complement.

Australia has had a lot of trouble crewing it's existing Collins Class subs. The Collin's class sub has a complement of 58. The Virginia class needs 120 (plus 14 officers). When we can't even crew our smaller subs, why try and purchase (or lease) boats that we we will never be able to put to sea (we want 12 of the bloody things).

The best sub for Australia is one that is heavily armed and heavily automated. It doesn't need heavy water.

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