Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Aussie, Aussie,Aussie....you know the rest

After Australia's pretty ordinary performance at the London Olympic Games, I have been trying to analyse just how bad we went.

I have created myself a forecasting model to try and predict how many medals we should have got, based on the Team Size, the fact that we are not China, the US or Russia and how many medals we won in the previous games (in Beijing). Based on this formula, the Total Medal Tally should have been:-

1. US                103 Medals
2. China              91 Medals
3. Russia             82 Medals
4. GB                  47 Medals
5. Australia          40 Medals
6. Germany          37 Medals
7. France             34 Medals
8. Japan               24 Medals
9. Italy                  24 Medals
10. South Korea   24 Medals

This is pretty close to the actual medal tally (in brakets difference from predicted)
1. US                  104 Medals (+1)
2. China                87 Medals (-4)
3. Russia               82 Medals (0)
4. GB                   65 Medals (+18)
5. Germany           44 Medals (+7)   
6. Japan                38 Medals (+14)
7. Australia           35 Medals (-5)
8. France              34 Medals (0)
9. Italy                  28 Medals (+4)
10. South Korea   28 Medals (+4)

So all up, a bit disappointing for Australia with 5 less medals than predicted based on our team size and previous performance.Team GB outperformed as did Germany and Japan and they zoomed right past.

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