Friday, August 30, 2019

Australians in the NFL - Holmes another failure

And once again, the arrogance of the NRL player is in full effect. This time it is Valentine Holmes stepping up to the plate to shank it.

Been looking at his pre-season stats and again, he isn't even as good as Hayne. Lets look at the stats

So these are the two pre-seasons head to head. For Valentine Holmes (who is supposed to be a RB) to have 11 carries for 9 yards is rubbish. And remember, this is against the part-time defense.

Even Hayne did better than that to at least average 7 yards a carry.

When it comes to receiving, it is a better story. To average 10.6 is respectable, but still poorer than Hayne. But he isn't there as a receiver.

And this brings me back to my original point. For an NRL player to try and break it into the NFL as a positional player (i.e not a punter) is a fool errand. It is a highly technical game that requires years of experience to master. If you want to do it properly, you need to do your apprenticeship in the college system, not just rock up and hope for the best.

So again, like Hayne, he will be lucky to make it onto the practice squad to be paid at $8,000 a week (or around $144,000 for the entire season). And again, like Hayne, for a guy who was earning roughly 8 times than in the NRL, I don't see him hanging around.

First flight back to OZ, Valentine.

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